![]() Hi va haver un temps, allà en el cor de les tenebres, que els nens eren lliurats a Moloch en sacrifici; però, de sobte, va ocórrer alguna cosa, un canvi absolutament revolucionari: «Per primera vegada en la història es va difondre el sentiment i la certesa de què tot ésser humà és sagrat i intocable, que cap poder no pot disposar de la seva vida o de la seva dignitat. Aquest és el fonament ètic de la llibertat i de la democràcia tal com la coneixem» (Antonio Socci. El Genocidi Censurat). I l'avortament és una tornada al cor de les tenebres, és una negació de la conquesta humana més essencial i irrenunciable. Vegeu l'article sencer de Juan Manuel de Prada, i el llibre d'A. Socci, a: http://www.fluvium.org/textos/vidahumana/vid228.htm |
The Regulations of Mortuary Sanitary Police (In Spain), dating back to 1974, consider the human remains of sufficient entity -to be recognized as human beings- coming from abortions as corpses, and thus, they deserve the minimum respect of being carried in a vehicle of a funeral service with the suitable conditions, and with the general destination that every corpse has: to the cemetery for its incineration or burial. These regulations, (supposedly) still being observed, intend to be modified by the socialist Government (in Spain). As a matter of fact, the preliminary sketch (of the new regulation) facilitated by the Government does not consider as “human remains” the dead fetus until 28 weeks of gestation." (ABC)
«The late-term (abortions) -investigators explain- in the abortion clinics where the crusher has been found were (supposedly) practiced in the following way: the delivery was provoked, and when the child came out the neck was strangled to prevent him or her from crying, thus making sure that the mother didn't hear him or her, and half-asfixiated he or she was thrown into the crusher». (ABC)
: AN ABORTION CLINIC (A MORAL CASE)http://www.avortamentno.com/avotamentno/temes/index_ang.htm
Sí a la Verdad y a la Vida
Sí a la Veritat i a la Vida
Yes to Truth and Life