Prayer: Lord, our God, who in your admirable providence wanted the
Mother of your Son to experience the anguish and suffering of humans; through the
intercession of Mary, consolation of the afflicted and liberator of captives, grant to
those who live in any sort of slavery, the true freedom of the children of God. Through
our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Historical Note: Pope Pius IX, in 1868, declared Our Lady of Ransom
patroness of the Diocese of Barcelona, and in 1888, Bishop Jaume Català solemnly crowned
her image in the Cathedral. Her first church was built by the Mercedarians next to the
sea. The image dates back to the 14th Century, and the present church to the
end of the 18th Century. The Solemnity of La Mercè is tied to the
historical memory of the foundation of the Mercedarian Order for the ransom of captives,
revealed, according to tradition, to Saint Pere Nolasc, Saint Ramon de Penyafort and King
Jaume I.
(From the Liturgy of the Hours). |